To ensure a smooth booking experience, please review all guidelines before confirming an appointment.

Booking badass

  • Services are available for ages 13 and up.

  • Natural hair should be 4-5 inches to achieve most desired outcomes. If hair is any shorter, please consult or risk being turned away.

  • All clients should arrive with freshly washed and detangled hair, free of any oils or products. I am home-based, so this is a requirement! Hair must be washed within 24hrs of scheduled appointment time. Please consult before booking if needed.

  • Styling times can vary for different reasons, and may take longer than expected.

  • All services require a non-refundable deposit.

  • Zip code is 30308, currently located in Midtown Atlanta.

  • Reach out directly for requests to travel.

CoNtact me

  • Best reachable via text at 8326227765 . Please allow 24-48 hours for a response, response times vary on volume.


  • Deposits can be used to reschedule just once, prior to the day before the appointment. This means rescheduling less than 24 hrs ahead of an appointment will require a new deposit.

  • Arriving later than 15 minutes can result in a late fee, and appointment may be subject to cancellation after 30 minutes. Same day cancellation/rescheduling will require a new deposit.

  • Failure to communicate when canceling or rescheduling can result in being blocked from booking completely.

After hours and off days

  • Any appointments scheduled outside of regularly available booking times will be considered early/after hours, and will be an additional $25-$50 depending on the time and desired style.

  • Sunday appointments are subject to availability and an additional fee of $50.

  • To secure either of these appointment types, please message me.

  • If you do not see availability that you’re looking for, feel welcome to message me personally to confirm any unpublished openings.

Booked and Badass

Thank you for choosing to be a Badass.